Sunday, April 14, 2024

Questioning the behavior of Christians

Questioning the behavior of Christians
- Expressing confusion about Christians not wanting to learn more about Jesus.
- Highlights the existence of a scripture and organization called 'Jesus Christ of today' with millions of followers.
- Criticizes the naming of churches after Jesus while questioning their true understanding of him.

Religious Discussion
- Expressing concern about traditional gender roles in a community.
- Encouraging others to read the Bible and seek wisdom from God.
- Referencing specific Bible verses and discussing religious beliefs.

Religious Discussion about the Bible
- The Bible is called love in Greek, but it's a collection of many books.
- Emperor Constantine gathered priests to create a standard version of the Bible.
- The Bible has withstood the test of time, but Sanskrit may be older than 5 million years.

Religious Beliefs and Controversies
- The Bible is not the only source of God's truth.
- Joseph Smith did not have a succession plan, leading to controversies.
- Ex-Mormons criticize the changes made to the temple rituals.

Discussion about Christopher
- Christopher is narcissistic and may unintentionally use trauma binding.
- Mormon is not recommended as an alternative to the Bible.
- The speaker suggests reading the Bible instead.

Speaker 1 (00:01)
I don't understand why a Christian wouldn't want to know everything there is to know about Jesus, especially if there's a whole scripture or a whole non-governmental organization called the Jesus Christ of today that says it is a scripture and a lot. More than 13 million people have read it. Have prayed about it and believe it, I don't understand why so Anti-christian we call ourselves the church of Jesus Christ for God's sakes how many other churches have named their church after the one that they think they know so much and the boot. 

Speaker 1 (00:43)
Jesus is a title given to me by it's A. Title Jesus, don't you remember in the bottom? It talks about? 

Speaker 1 (00:52)
Hey, an angel came to, morrow, it came to Mary to name your kid Emmanuel. Christ is also a title you con yourselves Christian cause you have been crucified with Christ, you have been taken app the cross of of God. Now I did leave the mormon church or the church of Jesus Christ of LDS of today because of the example of my peers, I just did not fit. 

Speaker 1 (01:22)
In in that community, but really there's clicks in every different society in groups. And I was worried about them old school methods of the role of a woman sure, but still if you're a true Christian all I'm asking you to do is look look pick up your Bible, I think it's John ton 4, says if you lack wisdom, ask of God and he will give. It to all men never really and afraid of basically, if you really think that the book of mormon is from the devil or some other c*** Then pray we don't. 

Speaker 1 (02:04)
You won't if you look at it and you read it, it's not it's not evil. It's a story of about people around 600 bc and a story around people on 6000 years before Christ that came to America, the guy they left as long as it was gonna be destroyed. And then they came to America now, look at Matthew, look at Matthew you know, John 1016. 

Speaker 1 (02:39)
It says it says. Um, look, I'm going up to heaven and our other sheep, where none of my fold, themongo must go teach, so what? How are you going to put Jesus in a box and say he cannot come to America look on every single page? 

Speaker 1 (02:59)
We talk about Jesus and how good he is really if that's your only metric of of if it was, I just wanted to say that With the Bible, it's called love, but it's Greek. It's a Greek word called the law biblia. Many books around it, the emperor Constantine, I believe both grabbed all the priests around and send a note letter and said okay, guys, we got a codify. 

Speaker 1 (03:31)
We gotta have a standard the best thing you can say to an eightiest about the Bible stood the test of time. However, it has not the test of time, I mean I was. Totally put in place by the fact that Sanskrit could be more than 5 million years old. 

Speaker 1 (03:52)
However, it doesn't really matter my rant. Today is about the fact that they think that the only truth of God is contained in the Bible, no, that's bull. If you have the Holy Spirit and then they turn around and say, oh I had you know whatever what I'm saying is? 

Speaker 1 (04:11)
Pray, let me just look at it, feel the Holy Spirit that it brings. Yeah, so I don't necessarily believe in the successional of profits bring me. Young might not been called up. 

Speaker 1 (04:24)
God Smith had no succession plan, but that doesn't mean that Joseph and there's a lot of evil wise spewed about Joseph Smith and I would really like to get on them to the people. Those ex mormons are just hating this final my next mormon sure I haven't been excommunicated because I ever want to know anything about what goes on and the Temple play before it was changed by Nelson Doctor Nielsen, then there's a book that we wrote about it. Yeah, I'm in the real Illuminati and but Christopher but. 

Speaker 1 (05:03)
Christopher, he's a he is narcissistic, sure and he does. He might unintentionally use trauma binding, but that that's just because oh, you don't even know. On Christopher and good he aint for you and then? 

Speaker 1 (05:19)
Look at mormon. You're just not gonna read it just because just cause this aint the Bible mom, just read the Bible man, let's see how far in life do you count? 

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