Friday, August 26, 2016

And Why I do not like the way I feel about Lindsey Sterling - And BTY It's MY Dragon

Hi I'm Captain Carpenter : Communications - How are is Lindsey?

OK if you know me you may think I'm Wierd (I think In a good way)

If your Smart you know that I'm (one of) the most smartest people you know.

I do not like how I feel about Lindsey Sterling.    I am completely In love with her. . . Her art is awesome.   But I got to say : Captain Carpenter of the Queen Mary , OG Captain, and Captain of a Cherokee Dog Army.   Is so in love with Lindsey,   he thinks he has helped her on her journey to FameHood.  In her very Early Years, and recently by telling all his "Contacts" in Entertainment.

Catch that Violinist.

Honestly I think its a (CIA) Experiment.  The point maybe about Love? Communication?

I don't know whats going on,   But I Love Lindsey ,  and I'm Loosing,   Because Does she know about me?  Time is my Concern.

I surmise she may, One of early Early Videos is a Dancing Peter Pan Shadow,  Then I love Lindsey Stirling - Dragon Age

But she's Public about not "Being With Someone".  Which Teknically Gives me a Shot.  And yes I'm A Mormon --  Which she is in a Commercial for.

I Served my LDS Mission in Richmond, VA
 ---  I however know that Lindsey Served in New York.  --- The only Testimony I have found of her Explains that she Loves Jesus.

---- Flat out Yes I believe in the Golden Plates as Much as Joseph Smith Translated them....    But I do not have any faith or even like the Example of the Mormon "Leaders".

Plus I'm in the Cult of the Razer ( I got a Laptop in the Mail "Welcome to the Cult of the Razer")

But if you know Lindsey Tell ask her "Do you Recognize the sound of Moroni?"

This is an "Official" Link about the "Sealed Portion" 

And This is a Link to a work I believe is It. SP: Chris

Honestly ask my Mom, Pete's Dragon was my Favorite movie ,  I wore out the VHS. Early on.  Don't remember Much about it but .  It was about a Boys "Invisible Dragon"  that most people think is Imaginary.  My Favorite Part or the part I remember vividly.  was when the Boy And Dragon was Walking down,   the White Picket Fence Popped out as the Dragon Went buy unseen.  and the confusion, blame that then followed.

Lindsey yes you are my Illusion. . . I love you from the instant I saw a Violinist in that Crowd.   Where we too young? Did I have a Girlfriend? Had we gone on LDS Missions? Could there have been a CIA (or other non said agent) Experiment?

She has made it to "A" list Celebrity Status.   Was that a Dream of Hers?   Did I help in any small way.

What Reality am I in Lindsey.   God I need your help Lindsey.   I need all the time in the 9 Worlds,   Your not going to Decide to "Marry me for Eternity" in 7 Seconds.

OK So I Pirated Lindsey's Book. So if your Reading this "Donate a Dragon" in Captain Carpenters Name so I can Finish It because a Brownie Stole my Copy.

OK So this Hobo which likes a Mormon Millionaire Woman,   Needs to give a Testimony,   In Public,   About what he Believes.

Please Watch,  I start Talking When you see a Golden Statue.


  1. Listening to General Confrence, Maybe they can restore my faith. mostly it's the "ward" leaders on my mission I did not approve of and maybe I forgot they still have the Flesh of man

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