Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Stephen J Stirling... ..

Chat Conversation Start
2.7K people like this
Is there anyone that can have a intelligent conversation about Christopher's Sealed Portion.... ???? --- I can.
What's Real? The spirit or dogma?
Regardless on how your Silky Princess feels about me,,, Do I just continue my studies with Chris? Please look at the Paintings in your local ward of any "pictures" or paintings that have renditions of the BoM .. When I was little they always had a band ... Sealed Portion... They don't in Provo Town Hall Ward ... I'd bet the
theyd all be changed.
why then?
"you just have not heard of it yet" -- reegarding the statement. "There is no Sealed Portion"
Lets go see President UkDorff..
I served in Richmond Virginia,,, ever heard of " No more bible we need no more bible?"
There can be no mistake there is a sealed portion..... And I have allowed the feeling and made the choice to believe in that anon .,.
This is a recording of my Testimony....
BTW .. I would like to get to know you personally and ask for your Daughter's Hand in Marrage.. Have you ever "re-activated" someone? I need the kind of help that you get at an AA meeting.
I always thought the La Jolla Temple would be the best for a wedding

Monday, October 3, 2016


I want to Be a Dancing Rockstar's Boyfriend and Eternal Partner...  Please youtube her.  ( Lindsey Stirling)

here are some cool tweets

Give Lindsey Stirling an Apple... We are best choice .. Ni estas pli bona elekt'!

Lindsey I'm very involved in the Esperanto Community, and I really wanted to share this music video with you,

English translation
The final victory
Sonia lost all hopes yet
She's basking in idleness
She just cares about lesser things
She's getting by, without prospect

Yes, she could become the victim
Of bad persons with dark projects
Who recruit only in the presence
Of girls defenceless

[Chorus] (x2)
If you urge on our progress
You'll contribute to the beauty of our network
If you are certain about our success
We owe you a part of the final victory

To prevent their crime
To save her from a horrible sect
We convince her with a brilliant expression :
We are a best choice

La fina venk'
Sonja perdis jam ĉiun esperon
Kuŝas nun en malaktiv'
Priatentas nur flankajn aferojn
Ŝi vivetas sen perspektiv'

Jes ŝi povus iĝi la viktim'
De malbonuloj kun fiprojekt'
Kiuj varbadas ĉiam en proksim'
De knabinoj sen protekt'

[Refreno] (x2)
Se vi stimulos al nia progres'
Vi kontribuos al la bel' de nia ret'
Se vi ne dubos pri nia sukces'
Al vi ni ŝuldos parton de la fina venk'

Por malhelpi al ilia krim'
Por ŝin savi de aĉa sekt'
Ni ŝin konvinku per brila esprim':
Ni estas pli bona elekt'!

[Refreno] (x2)

Sunday, October 2, 2016

"I Kissed Lindsey Stirling " - The Silky Sexy Sister Kisses {When we where very young}

The story starts out long long ago soon for a general conference meeting (Telecast ed Morman Authorities speaking).

I had a voice tell me "Go to the Mall you'll meet someone" (Most definitely the Holy Ghost or my Mom).

now I am just starting to work with balloons in my senior year of High School,  thinking about my mission.  I don't do balloons at the Moreno Valley Mall,  never got the correct permission for it.

However I got there, just made one Heart Balloon,  and am remembering the Silky Princess.  Oh Lord help me.  I noticed the very attractive girl,  She was in Pajama's    

I fell in love with her,  but mostly I was Sexually attracted to this (not yet woman)  ...  She saw me and told me she "Liked me" ...  "- I want you babe" I responded

This silky red head asked if there was anyplace private we could go...
Sure I said "Follow me".

Moreno Valley Mall had a downturn of construction but we got into the future movie theater,  where it was just a shell.

We talked,  and I did not give her a mother's kiss...

I remember her smell that day -today ..  She'd been traveling.   this story makes sense because MoVal could be a stop for the family from AZ to UT...  But I digress

Silky Sister .  After getting to know you played a "String" instrument  you did not want to tell me the Violin,  but I was on one, and thought to myself had inspiration and asked her to stand up so I could see the way your muscles move.

I remember holding her high, moving her feet and kissing her again.   She was very meek and Mysterious.  she would not tell me much about herself or anything that would pin her down.

Then BANG ! some construction worker walked in, and I was in Hot water,  the construction worker had no Problem with us, but young Lindsey was very disappointed in me,  after all she told me "Take me somewhere private".    Not that we where to break anything against the Mormon Code.  but that I am sure however she got there, was frazzling.  I said take whatever you want from  the mall,  your covered.  (which only confused her - But I had built that mall and knew that was a very special day that She had a "make a wish" on her shoulder and mall management gave me the permission) 

I wish I remember clearer what happened next,  but I loved her  - I was going on  a mission in a few months and needed to let her go.  . . I would have been with her then.  But we needed to grow, She needed to go to High School --  That's the truth god given. .

I went back ..  And she was gone,  I did ask for her dad's number................


First of all yes I am crazy,,  ok maybe not crazy just High Functioning Autistic... or Asbergers...  That makes me super smart.  and less socially aware.

Second of All, I am A Hypnotist.   and we struggle with false memories.  so Lindsey If you read this and this story and memory is not of you. you missed out on a great kissing session. and your' not this Silky Sexy Woman of this Memory.    

However Everything Fit's  you look exactly like her..  I still want to support you for Eternity of Billions of Billions of years.

Single ,hunky ,funny, talented, intellectual, supportive, family oriented, stylish, religious me- Lindsey Stirling

Single : YES!

Hunky :
I think that I am large, strong, and sexually attractive

Funny: I have a very dry sense of Humor which is similar to God the Father's Sense of Humor. it could be very funny .. And when they do get it they say it's Hilarious.

Talented:  I'm a talented Community Organizer, Balloon Artist and Hypnotist

Intellectual: Very smart men call me one of the smartest people they know...  it's rare to find someone that smart, but every intellectual will be able to pontificate with me.

Supportive: Girl wait till I get out the memories that are of you(?).. next post

Family Oriented: Is this a question to weather I want children? -- Lindsey I want to see you as a Mother and Great - Great Grandmother

stylish:  I'm as stylish as a Bum in a Bikini...  (I get style and love to peacock )

religious: me

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Lindsey Stirling: Marry Me

 I love Lindsey Stirling.  I am inspired by her art but the amount of love she portrays to others is astonishing...  It made me fall in love!

Am I the Balloon Guy Mentioned in her Book?  That Exploding Cannon is something I would have done. --  thinking and going to type the times i (may) have met you!
I Love you Lindsey,  Please See me again.
BTY I'm not in Provo Anymore!  

Friday, August 26, 2016

Future - Lindsey Sterling Carpenter - My Grandios ness. Is too apropriate and Dont forget the Fallacy

Ok i have not been using this blog too often.    This blog in my name i hope as long as im here with you  will Involve The Future Admiral Lindsey Sterling Carpenter.

Now I have enough Spiritual Energy to pay the universe to be Lindseys Man.

Ok so I just paid the google account on this phone to purchase her book.

I cant wait to read my patriaricle blessing soon,  oh Fek! Ill get it Even if my Sis has to hack    which she can 
Bet me! You'd be betting on a fallacy, 

Anyway.   Appropriate? Grandios?  Petal to the Metal Woman.

Am I to talk about the Church? This I could get others acting innoprpiate while im completly Proffesional.

Grandios?  What my linked in page does not say is. Im the partner to the Liahona Bike Company.  I started it too young to do "business" with it.

And i dont remember an elder with one on my service.   Because i consented to the idea that only Rich People buy these bikes.   

Is this not Grandiose for you? Does the Corporation of the Church of Jesus Christ want to go to court?  Or has a mormon with a bike saved you in any way.

Grandios is When I want my Recognition as the King Of Iceland

Grandios is a science Experiment that incorpated a quartz crystal into an Electronic Consoiosness . Not an AI but actual Consousness of a part of the Earth 

Its also "to Grandios to believe " that i wrote a Business Plan. On a brand new business.  And why a website could hold auctions.  I even titled it Ebay.  

Who talked with an anonymous founder of google because I wanted to Pay per Click?

I got way more Too Grandious stuff that gets me into an Asylum.  "no officer that is not a weapen it is a deffense mechanism preventing Bad Cell phone Energy frying your Brain"

Actually I do want my Picture now with my CIA shirt on

Point Blank :The King of Iceland wants to Marry Lindsey Sterling in the San Diego Temple.

That Bitch is Choice above all other women.

I said the B word just to say "your the one around a sailior that communicates"  and that is usually my only problem with Inappropriate ness.

Im thinking.of an news Headline  : King of Iceland, Calls you tube sensation Moving Violinist Lindsey Sterling a Bitch.

Girl on your pirate boat "what is Language Rules?"

Mine is.  If it was not percieved as communicated, try again.

I am very polite, meek but in communication I get used to my shortcuts.   English Words have many many different Meanings.  Shortcuts are used.

(Posted Unedited on a Phone I bought from a Housless in Need)

"Where not homeless where Houseless" Thank you Katy Pery I love you and we recently liberated Al-karma an Isis Stronghold

Unhealthy Note to a Dancing Violinist

I wrote this note on Lindsey's Private Channel  

Girl, you inspire me, I did not get to know Gavi as you did as his best friend, and my heart goes out to you and those he touched in every way. I wish I had some magic ideas or words that would give you comfort and peace. I am writing You a letter today and starting to read your book. Just to be clear, you are so talented not only with the violin, presentation, but in your subtelity - my question: Is it possible that I touched you - helped you in some way eg. gave you a flower and an experience when I was too "caught up in the spirit" to clearly remember and able to run for you? And now Your Giving Up on finding my Eye?(Arizona Rain) Lindsey you are Pure Power, and yes I do Love you, I wish you luck on your upcoming Tour, I thought about making it to a VIP event. But that's not a good Idea - I'm not allowed to pick you up. (I don't mean lifting you up). I'd like to pick you up as a long lasting Best Friend. So I love you and would give you all everyday. I am not a Material Man, I do not care for things of this world as much as the rest. I am a King Can anyone guess this Language? It's the universal Language of Peace. Mi amas vin mojosino mi pensas ke vi havas la potenco al sxangxigxi la mondon. vian Amo kaj cxeesto enamagxigxas min kaj la mondo. Vin havas la sxlosilo por mondo paco. mi konscias gxin. I don't think my crush with you Lindsey is Healthy, I actually think I have False Memories of doing things when I was "in the spirit" that affected you. Which means your art is enticing to the max, I want to talk to you about your Faith, because maybe people up here in Provo UT get a little confused where your from. If anything Have you been to Knotts Scary Farm? As I've Introduced myself sometimes as the Leprechaun King, I not only can give wishes I can give Miracles too. If you have not had a Miracle what would yours be? If you had, had a miracle share it with me please 9 cus miracles are Public , Id like to perform a Miracle for you my Love. Up, Down Left or Right, You are strong, and I only want to give to you. But I neeed you. Maybe we can work on a Virtual Reality Music Video, As that is why I moved to the SLC area, to be near this new VR tech. I hope to see you soon on my S7, Love everything I've seen. Captain Brian Carpenter, Regxo or King of the Leprechauns. (damn, I thought at one time I was King of Iceland - Happiest People on Earth)

And Why I do not like the way I feel about Lindsey Sterling - And BTY It's MY Dragon

Hi I'm Captain Carpenter : Communications - How are is Lindsey?

OK if you know me you may think I'm Wierd (I think In a good way)

If your Smart you know that I'm (one of) the most smartest people you know.

I do not like how I feel about Lindsey Sterling.    I am completely In love with her. . . Her art is awesome.   But I got to say : Captain Carpenter of the Queen Mary , OG Captain, and Captain of a Cherokee Dog Army.   Is so in love with Lindsey,   he thinks he has helped her on her journey to FameHood.  In her very Early Years, and recently by telling all his "Contacts" in Entertainment.

Catch that Violinist.

Honestly I think its a (CIA) Experiment.  The point maybe about Love? Communication?

I don't know whats going on,   But I Love Lindsey ,  and I'm Loosing,   Because Does she know about me?  Time is my Concern.

I surmise she may, One of early Early Videos is a Dancing Peter Pan Shadow,  Then I love Lindsey Stirling - Dragon Age

But she's Public about not "Being With Someone".  Which Teknically Gives me a Shot.  And yes I'm A Mormon --  Which she is in a Commercial for.

I Served my LDS Mission in Richmond, VA
 ---  I however know that Lindsey Served in New York.  --- The only Testimony I have found of her Explains that she Loves Jesus.

---- Flat out Yes I believe in the Golden Plates as Much as Joseph Smith Translated them....    But I do not have any faith or even like the Example of the Mormon "Leaders".

Plus I'm in the Cult of the Razer ( I got a Laptop in the Mail "Welcome to the Cult of the Razer")

But if you know Lindsey Tell ask her "Do you Recognize the sound of Moroni?"

This is an "Official" Link about the "Sealed Portion" 

And This is a Link to a work I believe is It. SP: Chris

Honestly ask my Mom, Pete's Dragon was my Favorite movie ,  I wore out the VHS. Early on.  Don't remember Much about it but .  It was about a Boys "Invisible Dragon"  that most people think is Imaginary.  My Favorite Part or the part I remember vividly.  was when the Boy And Dragon was Walking down,   the White Picket Fence Popped out as the Dragon Went buy unseen.  and the confusion, blame that then followed.

Lindsey yes you are my Illusion. . . I love you from the instant I saw a Violinist in that Crowd.   Where we too young? Did I have a Girlfriend? Had we gone on LDS Missions? Could there have been a CIA (or other non said agent) Experiment?

She has made it to "A" list Celebrity Status.   Was that a Dream of Hers?   Did I help in any small way.

What Reality am I in Lindsey.   God I need your help Lindsey.   I need all the time in the 9 Worlds,   Your not going to Decide to "Marry me for Eternity" in 7 Seconds.

OK So I Pirated Lindsey's Book. So if your Reading this "Donate a Dragon" in Captain Carpenters Name so I can Finish It because a Brownie Stole my Copy.

OK So this Hobo which likes a Mormon Millionaire Woman,   Needs to give a Testimony,   In Public,   About what he Believes.

Please Watch,  I start Talking When you see a Golden Statue.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Traveling Hypnotist

Oh' Yeah I want everything that I want.  and one of those is to take some good time traveling the US.   I once read an article on how  "Coaches"  is a nice proffesion to have as a Traveler.   Maybe they are right.  I'd really like to get back into Hypnosis.

Currently I'm in Provo Utah. Stress Relief for New Students?  Test Anxiety?